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CAMS, ni kampuni ya kiteknolojia ya fedha inayosaidia kusuluhisha haja za SACCOs kwa teknolojia ya kidigitali. SACCOs na wanachama wake wanaweza kutuma na kupokea fedha pamoja na kutoa na kuweka fedha kwa msaada wa huduma za USSD. 

Sasa, bado kuna baadhi ya watu ambao wanatamani kutumia fedha taslim kwa sababu mbalimbali ikiwemo ukosefu wa teknolojia. Kwa wao, SACCOs zao zina ‘keshia’ ambae ana majukumu yafwatayo 

  • inaruhusu Teller/Cashier kuhifadhi taarifa kidijitali na kuondoa mrundikano wa karatasi
  • kwa kuingiza tu jina la mwanachama katika programu ya uhasibu, humwezesha Mpangaji/Cashier kuona taarifa za mwanachama.
  • inamruhusu mwanachama kufanya malipo ya fedha taslimu (Pesa mkononi) kwa Teller/Cashier
  • humwezesha Mfanyabiashara/Mtunza fedha wa SACCOS kukagua rekodi za awali za fedha kwa urahisi zaidi
  • humsaidia Teller/Cashier wa SACCOS katika kupunguza uwezekano wa kupoteza rekodi
  • hurahisisha keshia kukamilisha mchakato wa upatanisho wa kila siku



Keshia atakua ndie atakaesajili mtiririko wa fedha kwenye mfumo wa kihasibu wa CAMS. Vilevil, keshia atasaidia saccos inayotumia CAMS kutumia kipengele cha keshia kwenye mfumo. Kipengele hiki cha keshia kwenye CAMS itasaidia kufanya uwiano wa akaunti za wanachama pamoja na za saccos.

Umuhimu wa kipengele cha keshia ni kwamba endapo fedha itarekodiwa kwenye mfumo wa kihasibu wa CAMS, kiasi hicho hicho kitaonekana kwenye akaunti ya mwanachama wa SACCOs aliefanya malipo. Wewe kama mwanachama utataarifiwa kwa njia ya SMS kwenye simu yako ya mkononi au kupitia njia nyingine kwamba fedha imepokelewa/imetumwa. Hii inaleta uwazi kwa SACCOs na shughuli nyingi za makaratasi zinakua zimepunguzwa.

Mchakato wa kusimamia mizania pamoja na usahihishaji wa taarifa, utoaji mikopo na malipo unaweza kufanyika ndani ya dakika chache; Shughuli ambayo ilikua inatumia muda mwingi hapo zamani.

CAMS, as a fintech tool, is catering to the needs of the SACCO to shift to digital technology. SACCO and its members can send and receive money as well as make deposits and withdraw with the help of a smartphone or USSD services. 

Now, there are still a margin of people who would wish to deal in cash for many reasons including lack of technical know-how. For them, SACCOs have ‘tellers’ who performs the following functions: 

  • allows the Teller/Cashier to retain information digitally and eliminate stacks of paper
  • by simply inputting the member name in the accounting software, it enables the Teller/Cashier to see the member’s information.
  • permits the member to make cash payments (Cash in hand) to the Teller/Cashier
  • enables the SACCOS Teller/Cashier to more easily review previous cash records
  • aids the SACCOS Teller/Cashier in reducing the chance of record loss
  • makes it easier for the cashier to complete the daily reconciliation process

Teller will be one who will also register the money flow into the CAMS accounting system. Moreover, teller will be the one who will help Saccos that use CAMS to practice  teller functionality digitally. The teller functionality on the CAMS digital system will help to reconcile appropriate accounts of members as well as of the Saccos’.

The advantage of the teller functionality is that whenever the cash balance will be updated on CAMS accounting system, the same would reflect on the wallet of every member of a SACCO. You as a member of SACCO will be notified via SMS on their mobile phones or via online platforms about the money received/sent. This brings transparency to the robust system of SACCO and the massive amount of accounting paperwork is not required anymore. 

The process of maintaining balance sheets along with reconciliation, loan disbursal and re-payments can be done within minutes; a process which could take hours earlier. 
