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Baada ya kukosa msaada kwa miaka 10, Wakandi yawapa tumaini jipya

“Mfumo wa Wakandi (CAMS) umeleta matokeo mazuri, umegusa mpaka wanachama wote.”

Kihistoria, SACCOs zimekuwa zikitumiwa na wanajamii kuinuana wenyewe kwa wenyewe. Vikundi hivi ni moja ya chachu ziletazo maendeleo katika jamii, hakuna maendeleo ya nchi pasina maendeleo ndani ya jamii. Lakini ukweli ni kwamba kwa muda mrefu vikundi hivi vimekuwa vikitambulika kama sekta zisizo rasmi. Kunaweza kuwa na sababu nyingi lakini moja ya msingi ni kukosekana kwa mifumo thabiti ya uendeshwaji vyama hivi.

FSA Mkolani SACCOs yenye leseni daraja B, ni moja ya vyama vyenye maono makubwa ya maendeleo. Kwa mara ya kwanza ilianzishwa mwaka 2001. Chama hiki kama vyama vingine kimepitia wakati mgumu wa uendeshaji baada ya kusitishwa kwa misaada ya wadhamini wake mwaka 2010 ambapo ililazimika kuachana na mfumo wa benki iliyokuwa ikiwadhamini kwa wakati huo. Kwa kipindi cha miaka kumi FSA Mkolani SACCOs imekuwa ikihangaika kupata namna bora ya kuendesha SACCOS bila mafanikio mpaka ilipofika Octoba 2021 kwenye siku ya Maadhimisho ya kimataifa ya Akiba na Mikopo yaliyofanyika Oktoba 11 hadi 14 mwaka huo mjini Morogoro.

“Baada ya kukosa msaada tukawa tumehangaika sana, mpaka mwaka jana mwezi wa kumi, tulikuwa kwenye maonesho ya siku ya SACCOs duniani Morogoro, tukajaribu kutembelea watoa mifumo mbalimbali, katika watoa huduma tuliokutana nao zaidi ya kumi tukaona Wakandi wana mfumo mzuri. Tofauti na mifumo mingine, mfumo wa Wakandi (CAMS) umeleta matokeo mazuri, umegusa mpaka wanachama wote.”

FSA Mkolani SACCOS yenye wanachama zaidi ya elfu tatu na ikiwa kama SACCOs ya kwanza Tanzania na Africa Mashariki, sasa inaanza zoezi la kuhamisha taarifa kutoka mfumo wa zamani kwenda CAMS Pamoja na kutoa elimu kwa wanachama wake. Mfumo wa CAMS kutoka Wakandi mpaka sasa umeonesha ufanisi katika uendeshwaji wa shughuli za Mkolani SACCOS kwa viongozi na wanachama wake wakiutaja kuwa ni mfumo sahihi na wa uhakika kwa kila chama cha ushirika Tanzania.

“Sasa hivi ulimwengu umekuwa ni wa TEHAMA, taarifa nyingi zinatakiwa kupelekwa kwa wasimamizi wetu, Benki kuu BOT, kama ulivyoona warajisi wasaidizi, wanataka hizo ripoti na kuna ripoti ya Benki kuu kila mwezi. Zamani, hata sasa hivi, inachukuwa siku mbili hadi tatu kuiandaa kwasababu haipo kwenye mfumo, lakini kwenye huu mfumo wa Wakandi (CAMS) jinsi walivyoutengeneza taarifa zote zimo, ni wewe tu kujua unataka taarifa gani inakuletea, unaithibitisha tu nakuituma. Tunakoelekea wasimamizi wetu watataka taarifa zetu kwenye mfumo wawe wanaziangalia moja kwa moja” Bw. Shedrack John, Mkolani SACCOS

Wakandi Tanzania inaangazia kujenga mustakabali mzuri wa SACCOs nchini Tanzania kwa kutumia mfumo wa CAMS ambao tayari umezinduliwa nchini kwa ajili ya kuwahudumia wanachama wa SACCOs milioni sita waliopo sasa na SACCOs mpya zitakazoundwa. Mfumo huu ulioanzia Tanzania pia umeundwa kuhudumia nchi nyingine za Afrika kama Kenya na Uganda.

“Safari yetu ya Afrika ilianzia Tanzania na ndoto ya kuleta mfumo wa kidigitali kwenye sekta za ushirika.. Mfumo wetu umeundwa kupitia nyie. Mfumo huu umeundwa Tanzania kwa ajili ya watanzania lakini pia unafaa kutumiwa na Wakenya na Waganda.” Bw. Espen Kvelland. CEO, Wakandi Group


After 10 years of searching for help, Wakandi gives them new hope.

“Wakandi system (CAMS) has brought good results and touched all members”

Historically, SACCOs have been used by community members to lift each other up. These groups are one of the things that bring development in society. There is no development in a country without life advancing in a community. But the truth is that for a long time, these groups have been recognized as informal sectors. There may be many reasons, but one of the main ones is the lack of stable systems for running these parties.

FSA Mkolani SACCOs, with a grade B licence, is one of the cooperatives with a great vision for development. It was established for the first time in 2001. Like many, this SACCOs has gone through a difficult period of operation after the suspension of the aid from its sponsors in 2010, when it had to leave the bank system that was sponsoring them at that time. For a period of ten years, FSA Mkolani SACCOs has been struggling to find the best way to run SACCOs without success until October 2021, on the day of the International Savings and Credit Exhibition Day held from October 11 to 14, that year in Morogoro.

“After the lack of help, we were searching and searching. Until last year, in the month of October, we were at the world SACCOs day exhibition in Morogoro. We tried to visit various system providers. Among the system providers, we met more than ten. We saw that Wakandi had a good system. Unlike other systems, the Wakandi system (CAMS) has brought good results and touched all members.

FSA Mkolani SACCOs has more than three thousand members and, as the first SACCOs in Tanzania and East Africa, is now starting the exercise of transferring information from the old system to CAMS as well as providing education to its members. The CAMS system from Wakandi has so far shown its effectiveness in the running of Mkolani SACCOs activities for its leaders and members, stating that it is the right and reliable system for every cooperative in Tanzania.

“Right now, the world has shift to ICT. A lot of information needs to be sent to our managers, the Central Bank BOT. As you saw, the assistant registrars want those reports, and there is a central bank report every month. In the past, it took two to three days to prepare it because it was not in the system. But in this Wakandi system (CAMS), the way they made it, all the information is there. You just request on your specific, confirm it and send it. Where we are going, our overseers will want our information in the digital system to be directly checked.” said Mr. Shedrack John, Mkolani SACCOs.

Wakandi Tanzania is looking forward to building a better future for SACCOs in Tanzania using the CAMS system, which has already been launched in the country to serve the current six million SACCOs members and the new SACCOs to be formed. The Tanzanian-built system is also designed to serve other African countries like Kenya and Uganda. Know more about CAMS and it can help SACCOs and MFIs grow and digitize. 

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“We started our African journey in Tanzania with the dream of digitalizing the cooperative sector. The direction of our system is created by you. This system is made in Tanzania to serve Tanzanians but it suits Kenyans and Ugandans too” Mr. Espen Kvelland. CEO, Wakandi Group
