TFC yaitunuku Wakandi Tanzania tuzo kubwa ya kipekee

Nusu mwaka ya 2023 imekuwa ni kipindi cha mafanikio kwa kampuni ya Wakandi Tanzania. Tunayo furaha kupata heshima kubwa siku ya tarehe 1 Julai, 2023 baada ya kutunukiwa “Tuzo ya Mdau Mubwa” katika sekta ya Ushirika nchini Tanzania.
Tuzo hii ya heshima ilitolewa katika maadhimisho ya Siku ya Ushirika Duniani, yaliyofanyijka kwa siku saba mfululizo, kuanzia Juni 26 hadi Julai 1, katika viwanja vya nane nane, Ipuli mkoani Tabora. Hii ni tuzo pekee ya aina yake iliyotolewa katika siku hiyo ya SUD, ilIyobebwa na kauli mbiu "Ushirika kwa Maendeleo Endelevu”
Maonesho ya Siku ya Ushirika Duniani, SUD.
Wakandi ilishiriki maonesho ya SUD ya mwaka 2023, ambayo yalihudhuriwa na wawakilishi tofauti tofauti kutoka vyama ushirika, viongozi na watumishi wa serikali, viongozi wa ushirika na wadau mbalimbali. Katika banda la Wakandi, vyama vya ushirika na wadau walipata nafasi ya kujionea huduma zinazotelewa na kupelekea wengi kuvutiwa na mfumo wa CAMS unavyofanya kazi.
Mjomba Bendi, chini ya mwanamuziki nguli, Mrisho Mpoto ikitumbuiza na kuiimbia Wakandi kwa pamoja na ndugu Nilo Kapinga, kutokea Kumekucha SACCOs, chama kilichojiunga na mfumo wa Wakandi CAMS.
Wakandi na maendeleo endelevu kwa Ushirika
Wakandi imeendelea kujizoelea sifa nzuri katika sekta ya ushirika kwa kutoa suluhisho bora na ubunifu wa kiteknolojia kwa vyama vya ushirika kupitia huduma ya mfumo wa uendeshaji wa taarifa za fedha wa kidigitali unaofahamika kama Wakandi CAMS ambao unaendelea kuleta mabadiliko chanya kwenye ushirika na kuchochea maendeleo ya jamii.
Kwa kuzingatia mchango wa huduma za Wakandi katika sekta ya ushirika na kuchochea maendeleo endelevu, Shirikisho la vyama vya Ushirika (TFC) ilitambua mchango wa Wakandi Tanzania kwa kutoa tuzo ya mdau mkubwa iliyokabidhiwa na mgeni rasmi wa maadhimisho ya SUD kwa mwaka 2023, Waziri wa Kilimo, Mheshimiwa Hussein Bashe.
Waziri wa Kilimo, Mh. Hussein Bashe akimkabidhi mkurugenzi wa Wakandi Tanzania, Bw. Daudi Boaz, tuzo ya Mdau Mkubwa, katika viwanja vya Nane Nane, Ipuli, Tabora.
“Tunatoa shukrani kwa mgeni rasmi, Mheshimiwa Waziri, Hussein Bashe, TCDC, na TFC kwa tuzo hii. Tunaahidi kuunga mkono kwa vitendo, kauli mbiu ya mwaka huu ya Ushirika kwa mendeleo endelevu, lakini hatutaweza pekeyetu bila ushirikiano wa pamoja na wadau wa ushirika, serikali, tume, maafisa ushirika na wadau wengine” Daudi Boaz, Mkurugenzi, Wakandi Tanzania.
Tuzo hii ya mdau mkubwa iliyotolewa kwa Wakandi inathibitisha umuhimu wa teknolojia katika kuendeleza sekta ya ushirika na kusaidia kuweka misingi imara ya maendeleo ya kiuchumi katika ngazi ya msingi.
Jiongeze kwa kujiunga SACCOs na Wakandi leo
TFC presents Wakandi Tanzania with a prestigious award
The first half of 2023 proved to be a remarkable period for Wakandi Tanzania. We are extremely thankful to receive a great honor by being awarded the "Grand Key Player Award" in the cooperative sector in Tanzania by the Tanzania Federation of Co-operatives, TFC.
This prestigious award was presented during the week-long celebration of International Cooperative Day, held from June 26 to July 1, at the Nane Nane grounds in Ipuli, Tabora. This year’s theme was, “Cooperatives for Sustainable Development”
International Cooperatives Day, SUD exhibitions.
Wakandi participated in the 2023 International Cooperative Day (SUD) exhibition, which was attended by different representatives from various cooperative societies, government officials, cooperative officers, and other partners enthusiastically attended the event. At Wakandi's booth, they had the opportunity to explore and experience the remarkable functionality of the CAMS system as many were impressed by the functionality of the CAMS system.
Recognizing the contribution of Wakandi's services to the cooperative sector and its promotion of sustainable development, the Tanzania Federation of Co-operatives (TFC) acknowledged Wakandi Tanzania with the Grand Key Player Award. The award was presented by the guest of honour for the 2023 International Cooperative Day celebration, the Minister of Agriculture, Honourable Hussein Bashe.
Wakandi for sustainable development for Cooperatives’
Wakandi has continued to earn a good reputation in the cooperative sector by providing excellent solutions and technological innovations to cooperative societies. Through the digital financial management system known as CAMS, Wakandi has started to bring significant changes in the provision of ICT services to SACCOs, contributing to their growth and the development of the community.
"We would like to express our gratitude to Honourable Minister, Hussein Bashe and the TFC for this award. We promise to actively support this year's theme of Cooperatives for Sustainable Development. However, we cannot achieve this alone; it requires the collaboration of cooperative stakeholders, the government, the commission, cooperative officers, and other partners." Daudi Boaz, Country Manager, Wakandi Tanzania.
This award given to Wakandi confirms the importance of technology in advancing the cooperative sector and laying a solid foundation for economic development at the grassroots level.
Upgrade your SACCOs, join Wakandi CAMS today