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Digitizing cooperative societies and offering equal financial opportunities have been key goals for us at Wakandi. Following the launch of our Wakandi solution in Tanzania, our team has been enabling SACCOs to use the system effectively. We are inspired by the massive response that we have received from the users.

We have created a demo video on Wakandi to help SACCOs understand various features that can make their lives easier. The video highlights eight key features that SACCO admins can use to manage loans and savings of their groups easily and effectively.

Here is the Wakandi demo video.


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Let us understand the features that Wakandi offers through this video.

1. Loan management: Admins of a SACCO can view and manage all the active loans applied by different members of the group. They can get all the relevant information in a matter of clicks including, the amount, loan status, date, and tenure as well as the balance remaining. Clicking on a specific loan reveals more information about the borrowings like instalments and loan charges. Wakandi also allows admins to repay the loan on behalf of the member.

2. Loan applications: Members can apply for loans easily using Wakandi. Admins can view all the loan applications on the admin portal including the loan amount, purpose, and documents submitted with the application. Admins can also approve or reject the application through Wakandi, upload documents on behalf of the members and even download the application for offline usage.

3. Savings products: Admins can create savings products through the Wakandi admin portal that members can select while depositing contributions to their SACCO.

4. Accounting solution: Using the accounting solution, Admins can keep track of all transactions, create new transactions and check statements which are generated automatically.

5. Admin roles: The Wakandi admin portal allows admins to create multiple roles and manage their responsibilities in the system. Admins can create new roles like board members, loan officers, admins etc. and set permissions accordingly. This ensures better security as only relevant information is visible to a particular role.

6. Digital member list: Wakandi presents a member list of all the SACCO members with a unique member ID and provides relevant information to the admins. Admins can click on the ID to get more information about the members including their total loans and savings.

7. MSP reports: Wakandi generates automated MSP reports for SACCOs which saves a lot of time and effort for the group. These reports can give deep insights into the group’s performance and help them be more compliant with the latest rules and regulations. These reports can be easily downloaded for offline usage and sharing.

8. SACCO policy: The SACCO policy is a wonderful way for a SACCO to draft all the rules and regulations, loan policies, and membership policies for their group. Admins can create these policies on Wakandi that can help them manage their group in a better way.

As we are onboarding more SACCOs, we believe such videos can help them get accustomed to the solution and build knowledge of its features. Moreover, our team in Tanzania is actively visiting SACCOs to conduct training sessions for them.

The Wakandi Team will be on-grounds to UNDERSTAND YOUR PROBLEMS. 

Our Customer support team is always available to LISTEN TO YOUR QUERIES. 

We have the best-qualified trainers to give you PROPER TRAINING. 

Wakandi has set a cost-efficient PRICE FOR EVERYONE TO AFFORD. 

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