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We are excited and proud to announce that our Wakandi App is now live in Kenya. The launch of our system in the Kenyan market is a huge milestone for us. 

We are extending the benefits of Wakandi to thousands of cooperative societies and microfinance institutions in Kenya that have been depending on manual processes for their day-to-day operations. With Wakandi, every operation can now be digitized for improved efficiency and growth. 

Our excitement in the Kenya office is high as we have concluded the training sessions to onboard our first customer - Kenya Riders and Owners (KRO) Boda Boda SACCO. They are now able to log their daily transactions in the system. They will enjoy automated reconciliation and report generation as well as online management of various tasks which were currently done manually. 

Wakandi CAMS is live in Kenya

Thuo Alex Mwangi from Wakandi Kenya says, “Wakandi has improved collaboration on compliance-related tasks and decision-making among the SACCOs board. IFGs in Kenya will now have a chance to go paperless and be fully digitized.” 

Bringing technology to Kenya with Wakandi 

One of the many goals of Wakandi is to digitize contributions and loan repayments for SACCO members. Currently, it is a challenge for members, especially for boda boda drivers, to check with SACCO admins every time they contribute. This is quite cumbersome and inconvenient for them. Moreover, loan-related tasks require further manual processes which can be time-consuming and prone to errors. 

Wakandi as a digital solution can solve these problems for them. They will be able to make payments online and get instant notifications on their mobile phones for every transaction they make. Furthermore, they will also be able to check their transactions, and balance updates on the Wakandi app in a matter of clicks. 

Reach out to us to know more about the system and see what value it can add to a SACCO.

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Bringing technology to Kenya with CAMS

What’s next? 

Digitizing cooperatives and delivering formal financial services have been key goals for us at Wakandi. Our team in Kenya has been working towards our goals by setting up the Wakandi solution for thousands of SACCOs and MFIs. With the launch of the Wakandi App in Kenya, we are now even stronger, to able to achieve them. 

We are now ready to onboard more cooperative societies and microfinance institutions (MFIs) and start their digitization journey.