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One of the many goals for us at Wakandi is to help the unbanked in Africa by offering better financial solutions. To achieve that, we have been exploring the market and opportunities, as well as working towards various strategic partnerships for our Credit Association Management System (CAMS). 

We have also been meeting people at various organizations to show the power of our system and how it can help us to bank the unbanked. The COVID-19 pandemic has certainly been a challenge, but in many ways, it has given us even greater opportunities to show how technology and digital systems can help reboot the economy. Also, how it can help millions of people who have been left behind in the financial system. We have received great feedback from several organizations, mobile network operators, and informal financial groups for our system.  

Here are some pictures from all the activities we have been involved in. We are very proud of all the support we have received in Africa.

Meeting with Ministry of Fisheries Kenya

Our Co-Founder and CEO, Espen Kvelland, at the Ministry of Agriculture, Livestock, and Fisheries in Kenya.


Espen meeting with the people at PostBank.

Meeting with SCCULT Tanzania

Our Key Account Manager, Sele Mduda, and COO Terje Width meeting with the team of Savings and Credit Cooperative Union of Tanzania (SCCULT).

GamPay training session Tanzania

We have also partnered with multiple Service Providers in Tanzania to offer our CAMS solution to every corner of the country. We have also conducted training sessions with our service providers to help them develop sales techniques and skills to get SACCOs onboard. This training session was conducted with assistance from GamPay in Tanzania. It was a two-day session conducted by Sele Mduda. Read more about our training session with GamPay.  

A Wakandi workshop was conducted in Morogoro about the new legislation which required SACCOs to adhere to certain rules. 

It has been a great experience for us in Africa, and we aim to achieve more in the coming time as we onboard even more SACCOs to use our platform. We are excited to contribute to the digital transformation of the informal economy and to help build a society ready for the future.  
